When there is a shortage of talent you may need to "steal" someone from another company. Or your competitor.
The tactics you used pre COVID may not work anymore. The rules have changed, but have you adapted?
Join John Millen "BenefitHacker" with MillenGroup as he will share 9 tactics that work like a charm in today's hiring environment.
Tactic 1: Résumé websites may not be as effective today than before.
Tactic 2: Use non traditional means of reaching out (i.e. LI)
Tactic 3: Ask for a video résumé, 1 to 2 minutes, not written.
Tactic 4: Make sure your benefits are "rockstar" quality.
Tactic 5: Consider increasing vacation time
Tactic 6: Don’t just rely on technical ability, look for cultural fit
Tactic 7: Create a one page benefits summary for candidates
Tactic 8: Streamline the interview process.
Tactic 9: Include co workers in the process early.
Final Tactic: Be ready to make an offer during the 1st in person interview. At least mentally. But you need to move quickly