Advancing Bedouin High-Tech Integration in Israel - Realities, Findings, and Recommendations

Advancing Bedouin High-Tech Integration in Israel - Realities, Findings, and Recommendations

Over the last decade significant efforts to integrate Arab professionals into Israel’s high-tech industry have yielded some promising results, growing the number of Arab professionals from 300-400 to more than 4000-5000 today. But successful integration has been uneven. Among Negev Bedouin, where income gaps are widest, the potential remains largely unrealized.

In June 2021, an in-depth study into the Bedouin high-tech integration, commissioned by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation and conducted by NAS Research & Consulting, identified a set of multi-dimensional challenges and possible ways forward.

Join us for a presentation and discussion with Elli Booch, Director of Philanthropy at the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (EDRF), and Hassan Elziadna, Software Engineer, to hear about the findings and recommendations of the study and first-person insights into the Bedouin professional journey.


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