The Artificial Intelligence course taken by Computer Engineering students at Tuks gets reviewed/explained. I'm a fourth-year Computer Engineering student at the University of Pretoria (Tuks) but also do a whoooooooole lot of other stuff. Check out the rest below...
I really enjoyed this module and think it's one of the few that has given me knowledge that I will cary forward into a large part of my career. Just for the purpose of understanding and being exposed to so many of the AI data structures and algorithms it was worth it.
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/mitch7w/
Stuff we learnt in EAI 320 ( https://www.up.ac.za/yearbooks/2021/modules/view/EAI%20320) included Bayesian probability, genetic algorithms, hill climbing, linear regression, k-nearest neighbors, simulated annealing, informed and uninformed search, A* search trees, game theory, neural networks and even more probability.
If you liked this video you'll probably like some of my others!
Tuks Campus Tour | University Of Pretoria Virtual Tour: https://youtu.be/Gua_wpnL5lo
University Of Pretoria Student Vlog | Cisco Networking Holiday Module + 2 Weeks At Urban Quarter: https://youtu.be/OK4jrqxHUXk
Moving In Day At The University Of Pretoria: https://youtu.be/Mxtwy6SlTS8
16 Tips For Tuks | University Advice: https://youtu.be/70w-uxTkYGU
What Do Computer Engineering Students Study? : https://youtu.be/iViy_ZKUdC4
LENTEDAG 2019 | AFTERMOVIE : https://youtu.be/YWvDOqYmBr8
This video contains diagrams of computer science algorithms and data structures, my fish tanks, talk about university, exam marks and a whole lot of computer science nerd speak. ;)
You can message me at https://www.instagram.com/mitch7w/ and https://www.facebook.com/mitch7w but I only check these once a week for my own sanity.
Thank you for taking the time to watch my video - attention is valuable so it means a lot. Please subscribe for more brief glances into my life. :)
My name is Mitch Williams and I'm a twenty one year-old living in South Africa. I am really passionate about learning, technology, photography, cinematography, reading, hiking, always improving and am studying Computer Engineering at The University of Pretoria (Tuks). These videos are a way of remembering my life and to possibly help out some other future varsity students get a sense of what they're in for.
Music: Soft Feeling - Cheel
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning