Musical Interlude (Track 08) Sacred Chants Vol. 5 - For Attaining Enlightenment Through Devotion

Musical Interlude (Track 08) Sacred Chants Vol. 5 - For Attaining Enlightenment Through Devotion

Mantra is a sound vibration, used to free the mind from its obsessive nature. The definition of mantra is: mananat trayate iti mantrah– Through mantra one is able to manage the dissipations of the mind. This is the actual definition: through sound one is able to manage the distresses of the mind. This sound is vibration. Every vibration has a frequency. Sound can change the behaviour in animals. If one plays rock music, the behaviour of animals is different from when one plays classical music. The same is reflected in human beings. One form of sound vibration relaxes, another form of sound vibration stimulates. That is evident in music, for there are some types of music that bring peace and some that make the listener move and dance. This is the effect of sound. Sadhu is the one who has attained the conviction (pratiti) of the Self. This is the first step in the path of liberation. The upaadhyayas have progressed further and the conviction is much stronger. and the acharyas have attained the Atma Jnana. The arihant Lord is the complete, absolute Self. These salutations (namaskars) have been ordained in this manner.

The nine lovely tracks of this album build on music's capacity for deep introspection and serenity and naturally still the mind and turn it inwards. This helps reduce stress and induce relaxation. Bring the devotion to you through these meditative tracks and let a deeper light shine in all the dimensions of your life. Return to this album everyday, and witness the ineffable peace pervade you.


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