Yeet Heyooo, if u see this you are cool this is actually my first solo bedwars win. where saasbot doesnt just lemme win in the end. lol. well....i dont play solos
🔥My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/36jM4CU
Sub to Saasbot: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr0u...
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My Discord: Oblived#6969
🡆 In Game Settings/Shaders & Packs
•FOV: 76
•Sensitivity: 73%
•DPI: 800
•Gui Scale: Normal
•View Bobbing: On
•Shaders: None
•Pack: Comet 16x Vaporwave
Skin Maker:-JinglesTheCat#0064
Cool Skin Art:-KT_#7206
PFP Art:-Bethany#7413
Animations & Designs By:-
Fiverr Gig:-
🎮My Setup:
Keyboard: MotoSpeed
Mouse: Cooler Master MM710
Laptop: HP pavillion 15 cs3002ne
🖥️PC Specs:
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-1065G7
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 3GB
RAM: 16 GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM (2 x 8 GB)
Recording Software: OBS Studio
Editing Software: Filmora X
Editor: Nataken, ma hommie
Thumbnail Software: Adobe Photoshop
Recorded at 90 FPS
Rendered at 60 FPS
#Hypixel #Minecraft #Bedwars