settling for less

settling for less

I found myself settling in a lot of different categories of my life, and when I really reflect back on why I waited so long to just finally part ways.. it was because I was scared. I was scared of the unknown -- me not knowing how to be happy alone, me not knowing who I was going to spend my free time with, me not knowing if I would ever be successful doing youtube. truly an infinite number of unknowns.

but I no longer want the fear and the doubt to control the decisions I make for my life. funny enough, we know EXACTLY what our heart wants. When we are settling and forcing ourselves to be in situations that we don't actually want to be in, I noticed that my mind goes haywire. I get really insecure and anxious, and I start overthinking everything. The overthinking stems from me telling myself that "whitney, I'm happy here!" when in reality I'm not. My ego and my heart contradicting is what caused so much anxiety, because I was trying to tell myself things that weren't actually true.

at the end of the day, only you know what your heart truly craves. don't let the fear stop you from making those decisions.

i am sending love to you all ❤️

cheers to love-based decisions my friends


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