This Is Blocking Your Blessings | You Need To Stop Blocking God's Blessing In Your Life

This Is Blocking Your Blessings | You Need To Stop Blocking God's Blessing In Your Life

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This Is Blocking Your Blessings | You Need To Stop Blocking God's Blessing In Your Life

One huge lesson I have learned about life and God is trusting God’s timing even if we do not know when. God’s timing is relevant in everything, from the time the blessings should come to the time to testify of the blessing. It is important to be able to discern His voice, as well as the times and seasons to know when to speak up, when to testify, and when to keep shut. Revelation 12.11 did say, “They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”, however, knowing when to testify is also crucial.
Most times, we confuse or mistake confessing positivity in faith with testifying. Jeremiah 17.9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Human beings, because of the sinful nature passed down from Adam, are very terrible creatures. The only reason why some people are capable of showing love to other people, especially people they do not know is because of the power of God at work in them through the person of the Holy Spirit, (And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love, Romans 5.5). the nature of the flesh is evil, full of wickedness, and the world is full of unkind people, people who love to bring other people down, people who hate to see others succeed and get what they have been trying to get or achieve, people who only lift others as long as they do not surpass them, people full of jealousy, strife, and envy, people willing to go to any length just to make sure another person does not get what he or she deserves or needs, people who are ready to use and dump others. This is the reason why we must be careful with the things we say, how we say them and who our audience is. The people with whom you are sharing your testimonies, especially at the wrong time might be the same people to block the remainder of your blessings. Silence is golden, all the time, and if you must testify, you have to wait for the right time to testify.
Also, do not go around being loud and talking about the things you are yet to accomplish if it ain’t done yet. Do not be the person to talk all and do nothing. Sometimes, let your results speak for you unless you are talking to your destiny helpers or people you owe updates. Do not be all over the place saying and speaking of things you cannot achieve. Do not drag for public attention if you have nothing to keep up with, just Songs of Solomon 3.5 warns to not awaken love till the time is right (Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right), do not try to attract public attention until the time is right.
Proverbs 18.21 is a constant reminder of the power we carry in our tongue, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”, and it is important we make this verse our watchword, to keep us in check.
One way our mouth and how we use our tongue can block our blessing is the way we talk to people. You might have a polite tone, but disrespectful words, poor choice of words, and you might also have good intentions, with properly articulated words but with a disrespectful tone. Either way, the person you are talking to in such situations will feel disrespected. As much you are angry or agitated by the situation, it is important to communicate respectfully, whether to your juniors or seniors because everyone deserves that respect. You also do not want to step on the wrong toe with your poor choice of words.
There have been stories, both fictional and real, that the person a lady or guy was rude to be the same head of the same company the person was going to apply to and ended up getting rejected for the position or put in a place where the head could easily manipulate him or her for a set-up or something else. There are also real-life stories where ladies and guys insult or mistreat their soon-to-be in-laws and got thrown out of their marriage even before it started. The 19th law of the 48 laws of power pretty much gives a stern warning about this, “KNOW WHOM YOU ARE DEALING WITH. NEVER OFFEND THE WRONG PERSON.” Of course, you cannot tell whom the wrong person to offend will be, so apply caution by being polite and straightforward with people.


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