When the Matrix is the only "Construct" that exists...

When the Matrix is the only "Construct" that exists...

What happens when you "exit" the Matrix is lies, only to find that there is no place for truth? That TRUTH isn't part of any constructed reality in which we can reside?! It simply doesn't exist.
Well, I find myself in a space that doesn't exist. A void.

When all that we think we know is essentially what we've been told and have accepted as truth becomes exposed through more rigorous, critical thought, then all of the dreams, desires, goals and ambitions are also associated with those false "beliefs" and must be redefined to work with a truer Matrix that doesn't yet exist.
How can you redefine concepts that only have definitions pertaining to a false reality?

For instance: what is success? How can you define success if the successful among us are indoctrinated into the false reality that we're forced to live within? Are you successful when you work hard toward someone else's mission to inevitably enslaves humanity? Are you successful when you contribute a lot of your energies toward that goal and are paid handsomely for it? According to J.D. Rockefeller, you are!!

Or are you successful when you expose how inhumane the enslavement is and how these "constructed" lies have played their part in the enslavement of the world???

Rockefeller said, "I want workers, NOT thinkers."

And today we are living in a society that Rockefeller and his overlords have "constructed" and we define everyone's success the same, today! "Oh, he's a great man! He works so hard! He gets paid so much! He's a valuable human being to our society..." What? No credit for thinking, just doing. But doing what?? What he's told to do. But for what? For whom? Whomever is paying him so much to do whatever he's doing, of course!!

Our world is corrupt. It's entirely corrupt because it's all built on lies and manipulations that obscure truths through redefining what is actually true and of value. We don't have respect for anybody that isn't "working" towards filling their pockets with value for their "work".

Elon Musk respects Edison and not Tesla because Edison brought other people's ideas to market, (stealing ideas from other people that came before him) whereas Tesla died poor... Essentially that's the mindset.

And Christians are supposed to follow the walk of Jesus, yet they feel the same about the idea of success!!

Dare I say that in today's society, Jesus would be regarded as a homeless loser. Just imagine how you feel towards the homeless people in your community. Do you think of Jesus?

It's frightening to think about how far we've all been programmed and you what extent we're able to break those chains of enslavement within our own minds.


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