### R u really business owner and taking care of everything in your business like Sales, Marketing, Accounts, Operation, HR, Finance and Customer Service and getting deviated from the main focus i.e. Company's growth strategy then I must say you're doing a great mistake . Because being business owner if you're spending considerable time for all these activities and getting stuck in your business and failing by not delegating these tasks to your team members.
Being business owner you must be focusing on building right Processes, Systems, Strategies, Execution Plan and Right team to build a successful business plan. ###
Furthermore, most of the business owners they are doing these mistakes consistently like:
1. Doing everything by their own and getting stuck from the business growth strategy
2. Not able spend enough time, money and efforts to build a right team
3. Not able to overcome their perfectionist syndrome
4. Not able to work on their weakness
5. Not able converts their threats into opportunities
6. Not focusing on building right processes, systems, strategies, execution plan and right team.
7. Not pro-actively marketing and selling their products and services.
8. Not able to celebrate your work progress with your team members last but no the least
9. Working consistently but not getting paid yourself.
If you are doing also these mistakes then you don’t worry you are on the right platform. This is Shaikh Yasin your business coach and business trainer. It’s my immense pleasure to inform you that I perused my MBA management degree from University of Wales-Cardiff-London, UK specialization in Marketing and I have been to corporate world for more than 24 years in Dubai and State of Qatar. It’s my immense pleasure informed you that I have insightful exposures to various International Locations during my stint as senior management positions. I would love to assist you to conquer all these mistakes and help you to build right process, systems, strategies, execution plan and right team. I helped hundreds of business owners to build a successful business model for them. Then, What you waiting for please click on the link below to get further support or you can call me on 8600480074 i.e. 8600480074 or you can drop your quarries on my website i.e. www.shaikhyasin.com.
Thanks for watching my video until then this is Shaikh Yasin chilled out ###