August 1, 2021 140th Anniversary Festival

August 1, 2021 140th Anniversary Festival

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Frankenmuth, MI)

The Common Service (p. 15)

The sermon begins at 26:36.

Scripture Lessons:
Jeremiah 23: 23, 24, 29
Matthew 7: 24–27
1 Peter 2:1–9

234. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,
the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him,
for he is your health and salvation!
Let all who hear Now to his temple draw near,
Joining in glad adoration!

2 Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things
is wondrously reigning
And, as on wings of an eagle,
uplifting, sustaining.
Have you not seen All that is needful has been
Sent by his gracious ordaining?

3 Praise to the Lord, who has fearfully,
wondrously, made you,
Health has bestowed and, when heedlessly
falling, has stayed you.
What need or grief Ever has failed of relief?
Wings of his mercy did shade you.

4 Praise to the Lord, who will prosper
your work and defend you;
Surely his goodness and mercy
shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew What the Almighty can do
As with his love he befriends you.

5 Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all
that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now
with praises before him!
Let the Amen Sound from his people again;
Gladly forever adore him!

293. God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage

God's Word is our great heritage
And shall be ours forever;
To spread its light from age to age
Shall be our chief endeavor.
Through life it guides our way;
In death it is our stay.
Lord, grant, while worlds endure,
We keep its teachings pure
Throughout all generations.

538. The Church’s One Foundation

541. Lord, Jesus Christ, with Us Abide

1 Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide,
For round us falls the eventide,
Nor let your Word, that heav'nly light,
For us be ever veiled in night.

2 O God, how sin's dread works abound!
Throughout the earth no rest is found,
And falsehood's spirit wide has spread,
And error boldly rears its head.

3 In these last days of sore distress
Grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness
That pure we keep, till life is spent,
Your holy Word and sacrament.

4 Lord Jesus, help, your Church uphold,
For we are sluggish, thoughtless, cold.
Oh, prosper well your Word of grace,
And spread its truth in ev'ry place.

5 Oh, keep us in your Word, we pray;
The guile and rage of Satan stay!
Oh, may your mercy never cease!
Give concord, patience, courage, peace.

6 The cause is yours, the glory, too,
So hear us, Lord, and keep us true.
Your Word alone is our defense,
The Church's glorious confidence.

7 Oh, grant that in your holy Word
We here may live and die, dear Lord,
And when our journey's ending here,
Receive us into glory there.

529. Built on the Rock

1 Built on the Rock the Church shall stand
Even when steeples are falling.
Crumbled have spires in ev'ry land;
Bells still are chiming and calling,
Calling the young and old to rest,
But above all the soul distressed,
Longing for rest everlasting.

2 Surely in temples made with hands
God, the Most High, is not dwelling;
High above earth his temple stands,
All earthly temples excelling.
Yet he who dwells in heav'n above
Chooses to live with us in love,
Making our bodies his temple.

3 We are God's house of living stones,
Built for his own habitation.
He through baptismal grace us owns
Heirs of his wondrous salvation.
Were we but two his name to tell,
Yet he would deign with us to dwell
With all his grace and his favor.

4 Here stands the font before our eyes,
Telling how God did receive us.
Th' altar recalls Christ's sacrifice
And what the sacrament gives us.
Here sound the Scriptures that proclaim
Christ yesterday, today, the same,
And evermore, our Redeemer.

5 Grant then, O God, your will be done,
That, when the church bells are ringing,
Many in saving faith may come
Where Christ his message is bringing:
"I know my own; my own know me.
You, not the world, my face shall see.
My peace I leave with you always."

610. Now Thank We All Our God

1 Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done,
In whom his world rejoices,
Who from our mother's arms
Has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today.

2 Oh, may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us,
With ever-joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us
And keep us in his grace
And guide us when perplexed
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next.

3 All praise and thanks to God
The Father now be given,
The Son, and him who reigns
With them in highest heaven,
The one eternal God,
Whom earth and heav'n adore!
For thus it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.

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