Welcome to another episode of CGX cast this is Episode 51! Finally, Cloud Gaming News picks up again this week. So much to discuss. We finally get some good news for Shadow PC. More EA Play games come to Xbox Cloud Gaming(xCloud) Geforce Now has a decent GFN Thursday and Stadia has an impressive week with some big games releasing this week. So much to talk about this week, look forward to seeing you all there.
Listen to the audio of this podcast on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/cgxcast
Follow these awesome members of the panel here:
Gamer Tv:
Jerry From GameTechPlanet-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx5knmmCQwmebjwddCC0xqQ
Hoults- Cloud Gaming Club- @cloudgamingclub on Twitter
Mark Watts- MarkWattsVLG- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC81cE2EcYPQH0VFSk_354oQ
Duncan- Cloudy With A Chance on Games- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCer1ahqy4dIY2V33_hHOi5w
Ben- Poseipedez On Discord
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Cloud Gaming News: https://cloudywithachanceofgames.com
Google Stadia: https://stadia.google.com/
GeForce NOW: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/
Shadow PC: https://shop.shadow.tech/invite/cgxtreme
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