Come and experience the new Jazz. Inspired by Lewoz and the vibez of the many Africas.
To watch the full show visit - https://watch.unicorns.live/programs/kinfolkintro
Dive with us into the kinfolk experience
Where stories dance with music and philosophical ideas.
New world
Same problems
And some more
But it’s not all dark
Because we’re not all blind to the darkness
So from the comfort of your home
Sitting on your couch
In bed
Even in the shower
You can catch a snippet of what freedom sounds like
A melody you haven’t heard before
A president with Locs
And a hero with great stories
Are coming to a computer (or a phone) near you
We are a building a nation people!
We are building a nation.
Everybody is welcome
But only if you have love
About Kinfolk:
“Last night I dreamt about taking over the world with the Kinfolk Nation, I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the best dream I’ve had in a while.”