Hello everyone, I had made a long video going detail by detail about everything but the video crashed. I decided to make a new video but just with all the clips my supporters and others have on him ! I want to apologize to the young man he killed 🥺 Rest In Peace. I’m exposing this man Naafay Adnan Fazil because he kept bashing me and would not leave me alone which is why i have my comments off because he tells his fans to talk down on me, I just want eveyone to see the real him. I will admit that I thought he was the nice genuine person and I wanted to get to him better until I found out the next day that he’s literally weird, obsessive, controlling and psycho! He has done this to other women/girls and now it’s time to put a stop to all of this. Knowing him he will make up a story and talk down on me saying I’m “body shamming” no I would never do that. I’m just putting clips of edits people had made and sent them to me I’m not making fun and I’m not talking in the video I’m just adding videos. If you ever seen this man and this man has Harrassed you please get In contact with me
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