FCA Key Focus – Implementing Vulnerable Customers policies and processes that work

FCA Key Focus – Implementing Vulnerable Customers policies and processes that work

The identifying and management of vulnerable customers is a subject that the FCA have raised as a key focus for firms. Firms are required to identify and ensure that customers who can be classed as vulnerable are looked after and adequately accounted for by financial services firms.

This is more important than ever due to coronavirus (Covid-19). Whilst some firms have led the charge with their policies and processes around vulnerable customers, the FCA considers that there is a significant number of firms who are failing to adequately deal with the needs of these customers, leading to harm.

During this webinar our subject matter expert discussed the issue from a practical compliance view in line with our regulators’ expectations.

During this webinar, we have:
- Discussed the FCA's current view,
- Assessed how this impacts firms,
- Reviewed a number of case studies, and
- Considered how to practically apply it to an existing business.

This session was presented by Peter Wilson, Manager at Complyport.

ComplianceRegulationFinancial services

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