Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in many processes throughout the body. This essential vitamin is found in many fish, meats, and dairy products. Include many Vitamin B12 rich foods in your diet in order to make sure your body stays strong and healthy.
14 Foods High in Vitamin B12 to Keep You Energized.
1. Whole Milk
Most people who drink whole milk do so for the calcium and Vitamin D. But whole milk is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals, including essential B vitamins. One cup of whole milk contains over one microgram of Vitamin B12, enough to fulfill 18% of the daily recommended total.
2. Eggs
Whether you enjoy eating your eggs boiled, poached, scrambled, or fried, your body will enjoy absorbing the various vitamins and minerals housed inside the egg’s white and yolk. Eggs provide your body with riboflavin, folate, Vitamin D, protein, and Vitamin B12, all of which are essential in a healthy working body.
Dry fruits are one of the good sources of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 rich dry fruits are also rich in nutrition that is very much healthy for our bodies. Among all dry fruits, vitamin b12 rich dry fruits are almond and peanuts.
4. Beef (Chuck)
Beef is a tasty meat that’s rich in Vitamin B12. The amount of Vitamin B12 varies depending on the cut. For the richest supply, choose lean fat-trimmed chuck, which contains 103% of the daily recommended value in a 100-gram serving. Beef is also a great source of iron, protein, and zinc.
5. Salmon
Like many varieties of fish, salmon is high in healthy omega-3 fats, selenium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. If you’re concerned about getting enough Vitamin B12, salmon is a healthful addition to your diet. A serving size of 100 grams contains over 300% of the amount of Vitamin B12 the average person must consume per day.
6. Tuna
Tuna is a good source of many healthful nutrients, especially selenium, potassium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and omega-3 fats (the good kind of fat). For essential B12, a serving size of 100 grams of tuna fish provides 2.2 micrograms. That’s 37% of the daily recommended value for the average adult.
7. Liver & Kidneys
A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of lamb, beef, or veal liver contains up to 3,500% of the DV for vitamin B12, while the same serving of kidneys contains up to 3,000% of the DV.
8. Mushroom
Mushroom is one of the vitamin b12 rich fruits and vegetables.
It is a very good producer of natural vitamin D, as well as other minerals such as germanium, copper, niacin, potassium, and phosphorus.
9. Beetroot
Beetroot has many benefits to health. Most people eat beetroot as a salad. Many studies have proven that beet juice is very beneficial for health. There are plenty of vitamins, minerals, iron, and calcium found in it. Beetroot is one of the vitamin b12 rich fruits and vegetables.
10. Non-Fat Yogurt
Choose yogurt for a healthy snack that won’t weight you down. Eating just one cup of non-fat plain yogurt provides almost one and a half micrograms of Vitamin B12, or about a quarter of the recommended daily amount for the average adult. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, potassium, and Vitamin D.
11. Fortified cereal
Fortified cereals can be a good source of B vitamins, especially B12. Food fortification is the process of adding nutrients that are not originally in the food.
12. Mozzarella Cheese
By adding a small amount of mozzarella cheese to your sandwich or salad, you’ll be contributing protein, calcium, and Vitamins A, D, E, and B12 to your diet. One slice of mozzarella cheese, or a serving size of one ounce, contributes 0.65 micrograms of Vitamin B12. That’s equal to about 11% of the daily value.
13. Butternut Squash
Butternut is rich in minerals, vitamins, and, fiber. Butternut Squash is one of the vitamin b12 rich fruits and vegetables. A rich amount of Vitamin B12 is found in butternut squash.
14. Orange
We all know that orange is a great source of vitamin c. But Orange also contains a lot of vitamin B 12. Orange is one of the vitamin b12 fruits list and vegetables
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