The coal company has started active mining on the South mountain face along the Valley Road valley south of the St Kierns parking lot. This has closed a lot of our favorite trails. They have literally moved the earth on a lot of our trails, and closed a large section to access. So Jeff and I go searching for a path/passage from the Dark Desert to the west of the active mine.
We get lost, drop the bikes, get tired and frustrated. There are some expletives that should be deleted.
0:00 Introduction
1:51 Taking the Approved Connector
4:02 Up close and personal with a SxS
7:20 new "active mine site, stay out" signs
8:29 Ridge is closed. Active Mine Site, stay out, $500 fine
11:03 Buck Run
15:30 Wimpy drop
17:10 Jeff walks my bike up a hill
18:28 Jeff leads us down...
23:52 Top of old Baby Head Hill, now blocked off.
26:30 SxS and ATV at Wadesville Breaker Overlook climb
Boring rating: Fairly boring, but better than usual.