How To Calculate Dead Load Of A Building | G+1 Building Load Calculation | Structural Design
In this video we learn that how to calculate dead load of a multistory residential building for foundation design. To design a foundation the first and important thing is building self weight because according to building dead load size of foundation is calculated. so in this video we calculate a G+1 residential building load. In this video we calculate the following structural members load:
1. Load of parapet wall.
2. Load of Slabs.
3. Load of Beams.
4. Load of Main walls.
5. Load of Columns.
You can also watch the video on
1. how to calculate building load on a column
2. How to calculate bearing capacity of soil at site
3. BBS of Combo In Excel
4.Two way slab reinforcement details in 3D animation
5. BBS of Column in excel
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