How to Discover the True You Through BodyAwake Yoga - Open Community Call with Dr. Sue Morter

How to Discover the True You Through BodyAwake Yoga - Open Community Call with Dr. Sue Morter

BodyAwake® School of Yoga program is a self-contained, brand new modulated program that is Energy Codes centric.

[35:50] We explore and experience what's really happening with the ancient teachings of yoga infused into a practical application for today's world. Discover a deep, accessible appreciation for the tradition of yoga, and how consciousness unfolds and develops from both a yogic and Energy Codes® perspective so that you, too, embody more of who you are through the evolution and practice of yoga.

[47:57] You'll discover more about your anatomy, the nervous system and how the systems work together. Highly experienced yoga teachers and brand new yogis will both learn more about how the body functions—biomechancially, energetically, and spiritually. You'll explore layers of consciousness and allow a deep, sacred presence to reveal with grace, ease, and delight so that integration happens in a highly functional and practical way in your life.

[49:46] It's a different approach to teaching yoga. It's a different focus so that you build circuitry and confidence in yourself and your ability to practice both on the mat and in life.

[06:15] Anything in your life that is not contributing to flow is so because you're not able to embrace it. You're in resistance to it in some way. [07:52] We're here to learn how to change that as we build the circuitry to allow the universe to express through us without distortion so that we allow the power that we are to flow.

[08:10] What I know is the single most effective way to do that is not just yoga, but BodyAwake Yoga. It isn't just breathwork, but central channel breathwork with consciousness drawn into the core, sushumna, of your body. As we do that, we create a focus of photons at the core of our being which gives the subconscious an instant sense of Self.

This course is designed for those who desire enhanced support to deepen and embody their sense of Self for today’s world. [32:55] BodyAwake School of Yoga is fully accredited by Yoga Alliance® and there are course options that range from those already RYT instructors to those not interested in teaching.

[1:01:08] This yoga teacher training program is spread out over a year, because we introduce new concepts to you. This allows you to live into those concepts, with a cohort for support and community as you practice. It's a different way of embodying the teachings so that you look at life through new eyes and start to live it over the course of a year.

Discover more about the BodyAwake School of Yoga Certified Teacher Training’s new cohort starting soon or register here.


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