Learn about how Broadly and PetExec can revolutionize your pet business!

Learn about how Broadly and PetExec can revolutionize your pet business!

Chris Deianni, Head of Business Development at Broadly to show you how combining Broadly with PetExec is a winning combination!

Take a look at these amazing results that your fellow Packmate, Jack Bobeck, with Happy Hound Dog Resorts, has received since working with Broadly. For his 2 locations, Broadly has given Jack 280% growth for his Google reviews, and has provided him with 197 leads via webchat.

The summer season can be a great time to generate reviews and build up your online presence in your busy pet care facility. We have partnered with Broadly for this very reason! They can help your business stand out online and it won’t require a lot of lists and emails on your part. Broadly is offering a 60 day free trial so you can get the word out about your amazing offerings. Broadly integrates with your PetExec system and lets you automatically request reviews from your customers. You run a busy facility so let Broadly do the work for you!

If you would like to take advantage of this amazing trial, please click here to sign up for Broadly:https://go.broadly.com/trial_PetExec

See you Thursday, August 12 at 2:00pm PDT!


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