By now, you might have seen the little S2000 Tarmac Rally and I take on the Discovery channel TV Show, Getaway Driver. Some loud scrapes, heavy hits, and a few jumps later, the S2K returned to our PhD HQ, filled with battle scars. But my god, did it put up a good fight...
#GetawayDriver #S2000 #KSwap
HUGE Thanks to all my sponsors for helping me go faster!
Nankang Motorsport: http://www.nankangmotorsport.com/
AMS Performance: https://amsperformance.com/
Koyorad: http://koyoradracing.com/
Titan 7: http://titan-7.com/
Spage Sport: https://spagesport.ca/
Haltech: https://www.haltech.com/
Verus Engineering: https://www.verus-engineering.com/
SPL Parts: https://www.splparts.com/
Reinharte USA: https://stance-usa.com/
TF Works: http://TF-works.com/
VP Racing: https://vpracingfuels.com/
Eibach: https://eibach.com/
Sparco: https://www.sparcousa.com/
Stoptech: https://centricparts.com/brands/centric-parts/stoptech
Antigravity Battery: https://antigravitybatteries.com/
Group A Motoring:https://gramotoring.com/
Evasive Motorsports: http://evasivemotorsports.com/
Motorsport Hardware: https://motorsporthardware.com/
Raceseng: https://Raceseng.com/
Neo Motorsports: https://www.neo-motorsport.com/
About Me:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/jackiejding
Faceook: https://www.facebook.com/phdracinglab
Web: https://phdracing.store/
Music used in outro: Horizon feat. Erin Renee - Moog https://mightycarmods.com/collections/music/products/horizons-feat-erin-renee-single