Welcome to our 11.15am Contemporary English Service! We're glad to have you with us via live stream. Leave a shoutout in the comments so we know you're here!
Join our Faith Prayer Room via Zoom after this service to have an intercessor pray for you personally: https://faithmc.sg/zoomprayer. Our Faith Prayer Room will be open for 20mins after the service.
Community Guidelines:
1. This is a positive space to greet, encourage, and build one another up. Let’s be kind and respectful in our comments!
2. Stay focused on God and the service.
3. Vulgar or offensive comments will not be tolerated.
4. Users in violation of community guidelines may be put on timeout or blocked from the channel.
Should you feel led to give to God's work, you can do so online via PayNow or fund transfer: https://faithmc.sg/onlinegiving
Connect with us!
Weekly Bulletin: https://faithmc.sg/bulletin
Prayer Requests: https://faithmc.sg/prayer
Visitors & Pre-Believers: https://faithmc.sg/hellothere
Web: https://faithmc.sg
FB: https://facebook.com/faithmethodistchurch
IG: https://instagram.com/faithmcsg
WhatsApp Broadcast: https://faithmc.sg/whatsapp
Telegram Broadcast: https://t.me/faithmcsg
Pre-Service Video
©2019 Music by Awaken Generation
Throne Room
Better Thing