Alright, today we are laying out my top 5 failproof rear delt exercises so even if you're notorious for screwing things up... you won't be able to with these and you'll finally get those big capped delts!
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The 1st one we cover is barbell bent over whatever you call these and these are great because even if you accidentally go too heavy you'll still have a great connection. 2nd one is posterior delt focused around the worlds and these share the same benefit, you're going to get results with light or heavyweight. 3rd we go over lying rear delt flys with a shorter ROM and your arms tucked to your side to keep you from flexing those traps. The 4th one was the exact same movement on cables that is one of my favorites. Finally we end with a pre-exhaust band movement that you can use to turn any rear delt exercises into a winner!
#reardelt #posteriordelt #biggershoulders