Buying an RV Lot (PROS AND CONS): Are you planning to buy an RV lot? Today we will review the benefits of owning an RV lot. There are a lot of things to consider before you buy an RV site. Today we review the pros and cons of buying an RV lot to help you decide if it is right for you. We will also show your this amazing resort and the amenities it offers.
❤️ ❤️ Links Mentioned
🔹 Balloon Fiesta giveaway and auction info: https://todayissomeday.net/fun-at-fiesta
🔹 Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort: https://www.lvmresort.com/
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❤️ Our Favorite RV and Camera Gear: https://todayissomeday.net/gear
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❤️ RV Emergency Magnet: https://merch.todayissomeday.net/todayissomeday/shop/product-detail/1000543
❤️ Veteran Tshirts: https://merch.todayissomeday.net/todayissomeday/shop/home
❤️ I Support the Military TShirts: https://merch.todayissomeday.net/todayissomeday/shop/home
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❤️ Homes for Our Troops: https://www.myhfotusa.org/ymrv
❤️ ❤️ RED Fridays: In 2005, military supporters across America started wearing RED on Fridays to show support for the service members who protect our freedoms and way of life worldwide. More specifically, it is for service members deployed as RED stands for "Remember Everyone Deployed"
🔹 MUSIC FOR THIS VIDEO: Musicbed & Epidemic Sound
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You, Me & the RV
You me and the RV