Report Finds NIH Provided More than $3 Million to Fund COVID Research in Wuhan | EWTN News Nightly

Report Finds NIH Provided More than $3 Million to Fund COVID Research in Wuhan | EWTN News Nightly

There are new details this week on the possible origins of the coronavirus. They have emerged after American non-profit, the Intercept, obtained more than 900 pages of material through the Freedom of Information Act. The document reveals that research of novel coronaviruses in bats was federally funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the institutes that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Nearly $600 thousand of that money was used to identify and work with coronaviruses that could infect humans. Author of "The Coming Collapse of China" and "The Great US-China Tech War," Gordon Chang, joins to react to the report by the Intercept that found the NIH provided more than $3 million in grants to fund COVID-19 research at the Wuhan lab. This despite Dr. Anthony Fauci telling congress that the NIH has never funded gain of function research at the lab. Chang tells us about China's plans to take control of Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and the significance behind it. Recently the Taliban said that China will be its main partner in helping to rebuild Afghanistan, and China has announced that it will provide more than $30 million worth of aid to Afghanistan. Chang explains what China gets out of the relationship and whether the US and other countries should be concerned. On another note, just a few days ago the defense ministry said 19 Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone. The author talks more about that and at what point he thinks the US should get involved.

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