Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis has defied a court order from last week and has withheld funds from 2 districts in Florida that refused to comply with his ban on mask mandates. The judge's order specifically forbade DeSantis from punishing the districts, but he barrelled ahead with his idiotic plan anyway. Farron Cousins explains what's happening and why this will all backfire on DeSantis.
Link - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/30/us/florida-schools-mask-mandates.html
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In spite of the fact that he lost a major court battle last week, saying that his ban on mask mandates was unconstitutional, Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis decided on Monday of this week to go ahead and have his department of education punish two school districts that refuse to comply with his ban on mask mandates. The two counties are Broward and Alachua, even though there's over 10 counties. Now in the state that have also implemented mask mandates, uh, DeSantis has decided to use his DOE
Here in the state of Florida to issue
A shot across the bow and say, now you don't get money. Although they, uh, they did realize they can't actually withhold salaries from school board members. So they're just suggesting to the county that they withhold the salaries. Other than that, you don't get any money
In the order by the judge last week. He also ruled or she, I can't really, yeah. Either way irrelevant. The judge ruled that you can't punish these counties because your order was illegal. Therefore, any punishment does not hold up to the law. So
You cannot do this. The judge ordered that is a direct part from that ruling last week. And to Santa said, screw it. I don't care. I'm going to punish them anyway, openly challenging the court at this point to come in and do something, which we know they're not going to do.
Let me tell you something, if you or I defied a court order. If a court
Told us you have to do X or that you cannot do Y and then we either did it or didn't do it. You know, regardless of
Which one it was, we would be held in custody [inaudible] and we would be thrown in jail. That's how that works. The Santas on the other hand was told last week, you not allowed to do this four days later, he comes out and does it anyway. And here
We are two days after that and DeSantis is
Not in jail. Hmm.
It's almost like powerful. People can just do whatever the hell they want and not ever have to worry about consequences, right? Folks, again, if you were, I did that, we would already
Have been charged hell. They may have even already given us a court date at that point, but not Ron,
Not, not here in the United States. No, that doesn't happen. As for the actual punishment to these school districts, the withholding of the funds. They're not too worried about it. And in fact, they've openly come out and said, you know, we know he's going to do this. We don't care. We're going to protect the children, which is the smart, correct thing for these counties to do, especially because the Biden administration has already stepped up and said, listen, if he cuts your funding, because now we know we can't cut your pay, but if he cuts your funding, worry, we're going to tap into the stimulus funds. You can have that. You're going to get all the money you need. Don't worry about it. So school districts, aren't worried about it. They're still gonna get their money. Ron DeSantis gets to make his little political statement and the courts aren't going to do a thing to punish him
For it, but the voters can, the voters
Can next year. And right now, and this is the weirdest part of all of this is DeSantis is tanking his career, tanking his future political ambitions for what pandering to the smallest part of Florida voters, letting people die from COVID. Your poll numbers are tanking. They're getting worse by the week at this point to Santas. And I know he's got a lot of defenders on
Social media, but that's not translating into a higher approval rating for him.
So those angry trolls on Twitter coming out to defend DeSantis every time you attack him. Yeah. Um, y'all are meaningless in so very many ways, but electorally here in Florida y'all are meaningless because you're the minority now. And more and more people are waking up to the realization that Ron DeSantis has a little wannabe dictator that would rather see people die
Than have to admit he was wrong. Let's see how that plays out for him next year in the midterms.