Scottish Fire & Rescue Service responding to various calls in Edinburgh! You can see units from Crewe Toll & MacDonald Road Community Fire Stations - Both Pumps (K01P1 & K01P2) from Crewe Toll, The Pump and the Aerial Platform (K02P1 & K02A1) from MacDonald Road as well as a Fire Appliance on a Volvo chassis. This last one was most likely a "driver training response" - here, prospective drivers learn how to drive with lights and sirens in real traffic. Those Videos were taken on a single day within a few hours - Scottish FRS seems to be very busy in Edinburgh.
Einsatzfahrten des Schottischen Feuer- und Rettungsservices (Scottish Fire & Rescue Service) zu verschiedenen Einsätzen am 17. April 2019. Zu sehen sind beide Löschfahrzeuge der Crewe Toll Community Fire Station, das Löschfahrzeug und der alte Scania-Teleskopmast der MacDonald Road Community Fire Station so wie ein Löschfahrzeug auf Volvo-Fahrgestell einer unbekannten Feuerwache (keine Markierungen vorhanden).
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Videos taken: April 17th 2019
Video by:
► Lukas (Cam: Sony FDR-AX53)
Edited by:
► Lukas (software: Magix Video Deluxe)
Thumbnail by:
► Westfilmer
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