What does it mean when General Practice is on strike? What industrial action in GP? What does it mean for patients, staff, and England? Find out.
What does it mean when GPs strike!!!!
Disclaimer and COI - PCn CDs
Just here to present our thoughts, not tell you to strike or not
Our opinions
Your opinions? Comment
Stress Warning - All of this is bad our mental healths - look after yourself
The motion on striking
That this committee is outraged by the deliberate, relentless denigration of GPs by Government, NHSEI and certain quarters of the media, and: (100% Agree)
i. rejects the plan published by NHSEI on 14th October 2021 and calls on all LMCs (local medical committees) in England to disengage from any participation with the implementation of that plan
ii. calls on all practices in England to pause all ARRS recruitment and to disengage from the demands of the PCN DES
iii. promises its full support to protect and defend any constituent GPs who refuse to engage or comply with the unreasonable contractual impositions by NHSEI of “Pay Transparency” and “Covid Medical Exemption Certification”
iv. calls on all practices in England to submit undated resignations from the PCN DES to be held by their LMCs, only to be issued on the condition that submissions by a critical mass of more than 50% of eligible practices is received
v. instructs the GPC Executive to negotiate a comprehensive new contract to replace the outdated, underfunded, unlimited, unsafe workload of the current GP contract
The response
How we got here / Background…
General media headlines
Changing pattern of access
PCN DES and IIF requirements tightened
Stretched GP services and teams
Letter BW999 and package to improve access - VIDEO LINK
Bw 999 : Our plan for improving access for patients and supporting general practice https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2021/10/BW999-our-plan-for-improving-access-and-supporting-general-practice-oct-21.pdf
Our review: https://youtu.be/Rk3s0wQANBM
Poor reception amongst GP community (to say the least)
GPC motion… SLIDE
Back at the motion in detail
Public sentiment
Has the battle already been lost… Daily Mail
Maybe not recent National GP Survey
Know your opponents?
Government quite hard-nosed. Difficult for them to face future challenges if lose
Know yourself?
GPs are notoriously difficult to manage or unify around a mission, vision etc.
So diverse
What is going on? Bigger picture?
Maneuvers to make current contract arrangements unworkable, force resignations, and bring in big business and trusts to run salaried service?
Noam Chomsky - defund, dissatisfaction priverise
Government looking for scapegoats and creating controversy to distract from bigger failings/issues?
Nuclear options is undated resignations from GMS contract
Suggested is undated resignations from PCN DES
Work to rule - pro/cons 2012 example impact on rest of system
Disengage with publishing pay and covid vaccination exemption certificates
Not engage with BW 999 or fail to achieve it?
Engage with BW999 and allow it to fail as not achievable - better optic, gave it a go
Alienation of patients
Junior doctor strike lessons
Impact on PCN ARRS staff - roles at risk? transfer to practices?
Impact on Federations & employing practices or organisations employing ARRS staff
Large amount of new funding in PCN DES not necessarily repurposed to General Practice
System partner collaborations.
Concerned about bringing the PCN DES into this stand
Worried about going toe to toe with government spin machine - need excellent PR on this - are we up to it?
Shift in relationship of healthcare and politics - Jeremy hunt tweet … OBS for health… but thats a little beyond the current conflict
All of this is bad our mental healths - look after yourself