La Palma Volcano Eruption Update; Volcanic Smoke Reaches Barbados, Large Earthquake

La Palma Volcano Eruption Update; Volcanic Smoke Reaches Barbados, Large Earthquake

The La Palma / Cumbre Vieja eruption is now in its 37th day. Because of the scale of the ongoing eruption, its effects are being felt over a vast area, even as far away as Barbados. So far, more than 9 square kilometers have been covered with lava, and 40 hectares of new land have been added to the island. On October 23rd, the largest earthquake during the overall eruption occurred, rating as a 4.9 on the richter scale. It represented the largest earthquake to ever occur on the island. This video will discuss what is likely to happen next as this Spanish Canary Island volcano.

Social media link(s) of a scientific organization which can provide more up to date information:

Special Thanks to: TV Canarias

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