Lighting Handbook: https://johngress.com/lightinghandbooks/
For a limited time, get 50% off of my Lighting Handbook and get my Intro to Lighting guide–free!
Improve your lighting with these digital downloads for only $25.
In my lighting handbook, I break down 20 lighting setups point by point, including the modifiers used, the exposure settings for all of the lights and positioning of the lights. You'll see finals, diagrams, behind-the-scenes images and more–everything you need other than the gear to recreate some of my most popular set-ups in this 26-page digital download.
Level up!
Learn set-ups using 1-4 lights
Softboxes, scrims, Flags Optical snoot, V-Flats and more
From headshots to full body and everything in between
My 31-page PDF Intro to Lighting guide is designed to help beginners get started with photography in general and lighting in particular. But more importantly it includes strategies for putting all of this knowledge to use!
Lighting Handbook: https://johngress.com/register/lighting-handbook/
Music: Evolution by Bensound http://bensound.com/