Old Model Ruger Revolver gun restoration (decoration gun find in river )

Old Model Ruger Revolver gun restoration (decoration gun find in river  )

Old Model Ruger Revolver gun restoration. I will restore this cool looking decoration Ruger Revolver gun find in river and make it cool object for decoration again.

Note: THIS IS NOT a firearm it鈥檚 a very cheap Chinese ruger revolver model Which I found at sea
I started brushing the dirt and rust off the lighter. After giving it a little squeeze of WD40 I disassemble it and sandblasted the revolver case. It was made of very cheap metal and had a lot of pitting therefore I grinded it with fine sandpaper grit 1000 and 1500 and then I did some serious polishing of the case just to make it look ok. I cleaned all the small parts in my mini tumbler.

The handle was like the rest of the gun made of very cheap materials. so i decide to make a new one from wood
I think it turned out OK and I am positive surprised that I was able to make it beautiful again . I hope that you enjoy this restoration video. Please subscribe if you want to see more cool upcoming projects 馃檪
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