On the Subject of Wrongful Convictions

On the Subject of Wrongful Convictions


   This episode delves into one of the many consequences of an unrestrained corrupt government: the wrongly convicted.  When motivated by the financial gain of free federal moneys, there are far too many that fall to the hunt to find bodies to fill prison and jail beds in order to cash in on the massive prison for profit system.  To illustrate the point, I discuss the fate of Cameron Todd Willingham, an innocent man convicted and executed for murdering his own children, who died tragically in a home fire.  Though posthumous evidence has proven his innocence, he remains convicted in the annals of history, proving the irreconcilable harm caused by the zealous desire to manufacture crimes rather than investigate real ones.
    Please help support our cause!  For interview requests or information sharing from incarcerated or "supervised" individuals, please contact my Producer Bill Russell at PO Box 234, Dubois, Idaho 83423 (USA). For material or resource donations, please send them to Ron Glick, 40 1st Avenue West #2, Kalispell, MT  59901. Monetary donations can be sent via Paypal to ron_glick69@yahoo.com (you can also email me directly at that address), or you can purchase my books on Amazon (but contact me directly if you intend the purchase of any book besides the autobiography, U.S. Political Prisoner Since 2004, to support my efforts here).


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