You can submit a secondary VA claim for additional disability compensation for a new disability that is connected to an earlier service-connected injury.
For example, you might file a secondary claim if you have a service-connected injury and you later develop a secondary medical condition related to the service-connected injury.
A secondary disability claim is a condition that was caused or worsened by an earlier service-connected illness. The logic here is that the veteran has developed a new health problem after leaving the military, which was not evident during his or her time in service.
The first step for a veteran is to establish whether or not his or her condition can be linked to military service. Initially, the veteran may believe that there is nothing linking it to serving in the military. This, however, is not true. A veteran may use the idea of a secondary claim to connect many more health issues than were previously apparent!
00:00 Secondary VA Claims Are MONEY!💰💰
00:46 An explanation of Secondary money claims using money💰💰
3:15 When can you file a Secondary VA claim?
3:46 An explanation of secondary claims using flashcards
4:58 Should you file secondary VA claims?
5:46 Secondary claims defy logic but they are legal and you should file them!
6:40 Secondary claim strategy
🔵 It’s Time To Get Serious About Your Veterans Benefits!
🤠 Sign up for Boot Camp http://www.combatcraig.com
😊 I created COMBAT CRAIG’S BOOT CAMP just for you! Why? Because it’s a battle with the VA just to have a successful claim in the first place. As such, many Veterans Benefits claims get denied or receive lowball ratings. I’m someone in your corner who’s been through VA frustration and denials, filing and refiling claims, and who understands the Veterans Benefits VA Claims process fully. I’ll demystify what you should be doing in the filing of your claim and what you should definitely NOT be doing.
🎯 If you don’t know me already, my name is Combat Craig. I’m a Desert Storm Combat Veteran with a 100% disabled rating and I tell it like it is. Whether it’s on my YouTube channel with 40,000+ followers, on Facebook, or right here in my BOOT CAMP, I’m talking about YOUR VA Rating and YOUR VA Benefits getting the SUPERCHARGED INCREASES you deserve! At whatever point you’re at in the VA Claims process! 🎯
🎥 I hold regular Private LIVE group STRATEGY SESSIONS on ZOOM where BOOT CAMP Members can interact with me! This is unlike any of my Live Broadcasts.
☎️ Do you need to ask me a question? There’s also an exclusive BOOT CAMP email address to reach me, Combat Craig, directly! 🙏😊
✳️ I’m not accredited with the VA or I couldn’t be giving out the info I give you as they’d muzzle me! I make sure to surround myself with the best and very knowledgeable folks. And I’m constantly researching what’s current and relevant with the VA. I encourage you to check on my reputation as a straight shooter within the Veteran community.
🤠 I created a few playlists for you to check out below
🤠 Maximize Your Veterans Benefits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOdymv4wCJk&list=PLY54MIiG8UeLwagfWOPBfKw64ITZazhMh
💰 How To File A VA Claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxIaNEQPAPA&list=PLY54MIiG8UeI63Fqi7ImojMCIfWgC0Hmj
✅ Easiest VA Disability Claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvR5j0mhxh4&list=PLY54MIiG8UeJKfI3-fm1NkLwaXKn5Jwmm
✳️ Do you need an accredited VA Lawyer?
Hill and Ponton, PA is a nationwide VA-accredited law firm based in Orlando, Florida. Your contacting of Hill and Ponton, PA is Not a guarantee that the firm will assist with your claim. Hill and Ponton, PA does not make any representation, warranty, or guarantee about the accuracy of the information contained in this YouTube channel or in links to other YouTube channels or websites. You enjoy this YouTube channel and its contents only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Neither Hill and Ponton, PA, nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circumstances for damages of any kind. Any information shared on Hill and Ponton, PA’s free case evaluation form is confidential and secure.
Contact Hill and Ponton here: https://www.hillandponton.com/hpevalyt
Hill and Ponton YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/HillandPonton
💰Types of VA disability claims and when to file directly from VA.gov