The Equity Fallacy is a common leftist/progressive argument that claims unequal outcomes are evidence of discrimination. The case is often made that equal opportunity should result in equity, and if it does not then something nefarious has occurred. The point of this video is to provide a refutation of this false argument from multiple angles, and why "Discrimination by outcome" is a ridiculous fantasy boogeyman born from the cult of woke.
Versions of this argument can be found all over breadtube. Hasanabi, Shaun, Vaush, Hbomberguy, and ContraPoints are just a handful of people who I have seen committing this major reasoning error. Hopefully with this video, people can better understand how to identify it, and why it is wrong.
Important Disclaimer: This video is not claiming discrimination doesn't exist, but rather seeks to explain why the false accusations of discrimination that result from the equity fallacy poison the well.
00:00 | Intro
02:20 | Why the Equity fallacy is logically flawed
09:44 | Economical flaws
16:12 | Ethical flaws
23:27 | Conclusion
Background music: Taking Your Time - CC 4.0
Artist: Teknoaxe -http://www.gab.ai/teknoaxe
Alt tech links coming soon