How to evaluate your parenting journey in 2021

How to evaluate your parenting journey in 2021

Have you ever wondered to yourself ; Am I doing this parenting right?

Are there things I should be doing , that I aren’t doing?

Is there more?

Oh yesssss! There are questions you must ask to find answers because Great Parents are not born, they are made. Self evaluation is an integral part of being a great Parent .

Today at 2pm I will be sharing with you some questions you can ask to evaluate where you are as a parent and what you would need to do more .

I will also be sharing with you how you can understand your parenting style and what you can do better.

This webinar is FREE and will stream live right here and also on our YouTube channel . Subscribe here:

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Remember to invite your friends and family because we can’t learn alone. Our children live in the world not our bedroom.

Be intentional

©️Wendy Ologe
Parent Coach & Author


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