Meditation and the wandering mind - Part 1

Meditation and the wandering mind - Part 1

In answer to a variety of questions about meditation and the mind that wanders off or proliferates in meditation, this offers some suggestions, tips and encouragement towards overcoming these challenges and obstructions.

**The background sounds that arise halfway through this recording are of the Kathina procession and offering of cloth to the Sangha by lay people - it's a wholesome activity, so I've left this unedited**

Bohoma pin to those who have asked questions about these kinds of challenges arising in their meditation.

The AUDIO has been uploaded to the Sutta Meditation Series podcast channel hosted at It can also be accessed on multiple podcast platforms including Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more.

Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

Dhammameditationhow to meditate

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