Forza Horizon 5 Credit Packages Ranging from 50 MILLION - 999 MILLION now available at https://www.mitchcactus.com
Hey guys, this video will show a new Forza Horizon 5 completely AFK Money/Credit & XP/Influence Glitch that will allow you to do races while asleep and level up instantaneously, its so effective! Be sure to Like & Sub to stay tuned for any future updates as this will likely get patched.
To keep controller on accelerate I suggest using an elastic band, to prevent it from turning off just plug it into Xbox/PC
Will be doing a giveaway for 3x full copies of Forza Horizon 5 in the next few weeks, Subscribe to stay tuned!
00:00 - Intro & Important Info about the Glitch
01:10 - Car Used, ESSENTIAL Car Mastery Perks & Tune
02:10 - Blueprint & How to Set Up Glitch
03:04 - Glitch in action!
05:40 - Rewards for 50 Lap Goliath (Can do this while asleep!)
Huge AFK Forza Horizon 5 Money Method:
BIGGEST Current Forza Horizon 5 MONEY GLITCH:
50 LAPS of the Goliath Race (8 Hour Race for 20M Credits!):
Full List of Forza Edition Cars in Horizon 5:
How to Unlock the Goliath Race (Final Event!) in Forza Horizon 5:
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▶︎XBOX NAME - MitchCactus & MitchCactus2
▶︎TIKTOK: @mitchcactus