🇵🇰 #Pakistan 🆚 #Australia 🇦🇺 | The Pavilion | Post-Match Analysis | 11th Nov 2021 | A Sports
"The Pavilion" is a LIVE show that brings you the inside stories of LIVE cricketing events from the team performance of world cup T20 to the insights into the game; from to exclusive views of the iconic cricket stars to lots of LIVE action and match analysis.
It Serves a wholesome daily dose of all the burning issues of the world cup T20 with comments, analysis and lively debates.
Show Format:
The Show is hosted by one of television's biggest icon in cricket at the moment Fakhr e Alam along with a panel of cricket experts
The Show is arguably a one-stop-shop for the audience that follows the cricket no less than a religion in Pakistan
Wasim Akram,
Waqar Younis,
Wahab Riaz,
#ThePavilion #PAKVSAUS #T20WorldCup #LiveTheGame #ASportsHD #T20WorldCup #LiveTheGame #ASports #MisbahulHaq #WasimAkram
#WaqarYounis #FakhreAlam
#Pakistan #Australia
#ASports #ASportsHD #Pakistan's1stHDSportsChannel