I know we're supposed to 'know' that social media isn't real life. But its one thing to 'know' it, and another to REMEMBER that, when we're constantly bombarded with this image of what a 'perfect woman' is meant to look like... and we don't fit that image. It can leave us feeling like crap. That's why i make these videos. Think of me as your YouTube older sister who's here to give you a bit of tough love and remind you how powerful, beautiful, worthy and loved you are - AS YOU ARE and as you were born to be. These influencers are beautiful, but NO ONE is instagram perfect in real life. Not you, not them and not me. And its ok! We don't have to be 'InStAgRaM GoAlS' to be beautiful.
I love you! x
Here's my home baked chips recipe - ITS SO GOOD:
2xtablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (preferably organic)
4 or 5 large potatoes (preferably organic)
Sea salt and cracked pepper
- Melt the coconut oil on a tray and then chop the potatoes into chip sized chunks. Toss them with sea salt and cracked pepper and the coconut oil, then bake them at about 160 degrees celsius until they're cooked and golden! YUMM
Y O U C A N B U Y M Y E Y E S H A D O W P A L E T T E H E R E : https://bit.ly/3rPpFwN
M A K E U P I ‘ M W E A R I N G:
E Y E S:
- SIGMA Long Wear Pencil Eyeliner in ‘Wicked’ (use: stephanie10 for 10% off) http://bit.ly/2IxRohX
- TOO FACED Liquid Eyeliner https://bit.ly/2X3j4EZ
- ICONIC LONDON Boom Lash Mascara http://bit.ly/32wDnZt
(USA) https://bit.ly/3yuC9NX
(UK/IE) https://bit.ly/3xr0LWC
S K I N:
- INIKA ORGANIC Concealer in ‘Shell’ https://bit.ly/3i9QVEG
- CHARLOTTE TILBURY Bronzer ‘Medium’
(USA) https://bit.ly/3CneDEQ
(UK/IE) https://bit.ly/3AbaamU
- OFRA COSMETICS Highlight in ‘Rodeo Drive’ https://bit.ly/37mu8id
- FRECK Fake Freckles https://bit.ly/2ZvxX0f
L I P S:
- JEFFREE STAR COSMETICS Liquid Lipstick in ‘Celebrity Skin’ https://bit.ly/3rUdsrV
*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase through the link I may make a small portion in commission from the brand. It doesn’t cost you any extra, but it helps me keep making these videos! If you do use my links, thank you so much! But its ok if you don’t use them too. x
❤ S U B S C R I B E
❤ I N S T A G R A M
❤ F A C E B O O K
❤ E M A I L (business only contact)
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at info@stephlange.com