No one has been here since the day the Germans left it and now we metal detect the location..
Part 1 here : https://youtu.be/5UdPJJ_-zsU
My other channel :
If you like to support our work :
My Email : ww2historyhunter@gmail.com
Check out my monthly WW2 diorama giveaway videos in the beginning of each month.
Beautiful WW2 dioramas for my supporters.
My WW2 exploring gear :
My metaldetecting gear :
Makro Kruzer Multi detector
Nokta pin pointer
Makro KR 40 coil
Makro KR 13 coil
Makro/ Nokta waterproof headphones
My underwater exploration gear :
QYSea Fifish V6S & V6
With a gripper to recover artifacts from the deep !
Omnidirectional and totally awesome for underwater exploration !
My underground explorer flashligh gear ;
Olight Seeker 2 Pro ( strong, durable , impressive beam )
Olight M2R Warrior ( you cant destroy it )
Olight X7R Marrauder ( mother of all flashlights and insane bright light )
Olight HS2 ( headlamp , very powerful )
Olight H2R ( Headlamp , versatile and extremely good for cave exploring