Hang out with Lightning for WARPAINT WEDNESDAY as he discusses #GME, #LRC Loopring, NFT marketplace, and then crushes nerds in Halo! Maybe he will once again explain why #GME is superior to #AMC
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Twitch streamer CosmicLightningWarrior correctly predicts the #Gamestop price action today during last night's first ever Youtube Live stream. Watch Lightning talk about the #GME squeeze as of July 8, 2021. Today we talk about my predictions for GME over the next few weeks and what the move to the Russel 1000 and NFT Crypto Dividend and when will the GME MOASS happen? Ultimate cup and handle on GME! Make sure you watch all of the other GME Squeeze videos and prepare yourself, including the ultimate MOASS training video by Lightning. Lightning put a lot of work into this ALL LINKS BELOW - Will I really get paid, there's no way...yes there is. This is a high level overview to supplement my other vids, but SHORTS HAVE TO COVER AND WE SET THE PRICE. How high will the MOASS go - the floor is set for 10million a share, and a potential Gamma squeeze is on the way. Hopefully the new NCSS/DTCC rulings will force a margin call and launch this MOASS to Andromeda with 10 million being my personal floor. Although GME is manipulated like none other, the last THREE TIMES the MACD crossed the price has jumped significantly ($108 to $350). #GME Lightning discusses how retail investors own MORE THAN 100% OF THE FLOAT and how this impacts the GME short squeeze, and how the hedge funds like Melvin and Citadel are screwed, and how the entire US Stock Market may collapse. Big banks are selling bonds worth 340 billion total, working long hours over the weekend, and $GME is set to explode at any moment. The GME Short Squeeze originally started to take off in January but was halted by the Robinhood app...but April 2021 could be the beginning of something much much bigger. (this shit is not advice btw) #Battlefield2042
Master Guide to All DDs: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/
MOASS Prep Guide DD (not mine): https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mm5qle/the_moass_preparation_guide/
MY EXIT STRATEGY: https://bit.ly/3efXqDD
You have to File a 13H: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nk5cvm/youre_gonna_need_to_file_a_13h_after_you_finally/
SEC PROXY LINK: https://sec.report/Document/0001193125-21-126940/
PHISHING SCAMS EXPLAINED: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxhcnq/beware_phishing_scams_are_trying_to_steal_your/
004 Rule: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ngiiae/occ2021004_is_approved_as_of_today/https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ngiiae/occ2021004_is_approved_as_of_today/
To learn more about $GME check out Lightning's favorite subreddits:
Proxy Vote DD: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mya2a8/dd_heres_what_happens_if_there_is_over_voting/
Retail Owns the Float DD: https://bit.ly/3njIkj4
Read this about the GameStop Short Squeeze: https://bit.ly/3gDDz2D
Watch this about the GME Squeeze: https://youtu.be/B7bBJlXPy9Ak
My Other GME Short Squeeze Videos:
Short Squeeze Bull Flag (4/25): https://youtu.be/1JNAhVl1lAs
What is the GME Short Squeeze (4/11): https://youtu.be/dDJMdwdqdzI
TWITCH - http://twitch.tv/cosmiclightningwarrior
TIKTOK - http://tiktok.com/@cosmiclightningwarrior
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/cosmiclightningwarrior
INSTA - http://instagram.com/cosmiclightningwarrior
*disclaimer, this isn't advice...i'm retarded and just love the stock and video games*