Hi loves Ralitza here! Today’s video is all about what is being hidden from you. I was pretty surprised at what came up here… I’m curious to hear your thoughts!
Let’s find out together!
Remember: if it doesn’t resonate, let it fly! 🦅 Not all messages are meant for all people and that’s totally okay!
Pile 1: 0:50
Pile 2: 13:14
Pile 3: 25:08
Want to book a personal reading or a reiki session? You can email readingsbyrali@gmail.com or find me on Instagram @ralitza.
2 questions for $22 USD
3 questions for $33 USD
4 questions for $44 USD
Romantic Carousel between you and your boo thang/crush/etc: $33
Your Whole Life Spread - $111 – this is a *long* video!
Weekly Tarot Readings: $111 for 4 weeks - videos delivered Sunday or Monday (your preference)
💫 I am a reiki master and spend about 50% of my time in reiki sessions and 50% in tarot! Reiki is a powerful yet gentle healing modality. 💫
Other things:
30 minute distance reiki sessions: $44 (includes a full report of what I channeled and an oracle card for reflection)
60 minutes distance reiki sessions: $66 (includes a full report of what I channeled and an oracle card for reflection)
💰 DONATE TO MY CHANNEL 💰: Rite of Ritual is a local shop which can get their hands on numerous decks. If you want to donate, do those through them!: https://riteofritual.com/products/gift-card
Disclaimer: This reading is meant for entertainment purposes ONLY. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional near you if you need additional support. Remember that not all readings will resonate with all people and all of that is entirely okay. If it doesn’t resonate with you, simply let it fly. There are messages in there for someone!
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Thank you for supporting my little channel. Xoxo Ralitza
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##pickacard #tarotcardreading #lovereading #pickacardtoday #tarot #freetarotreading #readingswithrali #spiritualtarot #pickacardforyou