Women, WAKE UP! Feminism Stole Your Personal Lives!

Women, WAKE UP! Feminism Stole Your Personal Lives!

To be a sexually boundaried & principled woman nowadays is considered a shameful pathology. In the past, casual sex was optional, a choice - today it is the norm.

Women have always been the guardians of the status quo by internalizing male values, expectations & stereotypes.

Ironically, feminism fed into this traditional role, rendering women less empowered & more heartbroken & disillusioned than ever in their personal lives.

Women sought & attained equity & equality. Men had reacted by abandoning them en masse & by abrogating any commitment or investment. Both parties largely gave up on intimacy & relationships.

With men all but gone, women are attempting to become the new men (“stalled revolution”).

As newly converted zealous caricatured men, women are acting out male stereotypes, sexual scripts, & gender roles as the pillars of their newly defined femininity (“the self-objectifying slut in tank top, make up, & high heels”).

In a sad twist: to be an emancipated, empowered, modern woman is to give men what they had always dreamt of: no strings attached sex with an unboundaried partner.

Vociferous protestations aside, studies conclusively show that women had also assimilated the male double standard: they are conflicted about their conduct & secretly crave more in most casual sex.

To resolve the cognitive dissonance that this lamentable state of affairs had created, women pretend to be agentic & carefree when in reality they are drunk and devastated in most of these encounters (Orenstein, Wade, Cohen, Armstrong, among many others).

Men take advantage on this self-inflicted injury: they are aggressive about demanding immediate sex and offer nothing in return.

Women end up with the worse of both worlds: they are being held responsible the way men are - but are suffering “slut shaming”, the double standard, & harassment as women always had.

Men manipulate women by falsely publicly supporting this transformation while privately still shaming them.

Western men especially lie and pretend to be tolerant of female unbridled sexuality in order to perpetuate these dysfunctional and self-defeating female behaviors.

The double standard is deplorable – but it is a fact. To ignore it is delusional, self-deceiving, and costly in terms of relationships prospects and reputation. The way to overcome it is not to outman men – but to teach men to be more considerate, compassionate, and respectful.

People fail to appreciate the reputational halo effect: their notoriety or celebrity carry out into other, ostensibly unrelated areas of their lives. Breaching social norms and mores carries a lifelong all-pervasive sentence.

Consider the following common exclamations:

“When I am single, I have no sexual boundaries whatsoever and am highly promiscuous. But when I am in a relationship, I can be trusted to be self-respecting, decent, and boundaried.”

“In sex, I am drunk and self-trashing with my colleagues, but I expect them to respect me at work.”

No speech act founded on science is hate speech. Wherever the data may lead, we are obligated to go.

If a preponderance of well crafted studies or a meta analysis of such point to a conclusion that it politically incorrect, one has the moral obligation to adhere to the facts, regardless of the prevailing censorship, aka as cancel culture.

Consider, for example these FACTS, substantiated by dozens of studies over decades, worldwide:

1. Casual sex has severe long-term deleterious mental health effects on women only;

2. Victimhood movements are being infiltrated by covert narcissists and secondary psychopaths;

3. Dark triad personality is common among people who engage in sexual self-trashing such as compulsive sexting, group sex, self-porn, or cheating;

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