Battlefield 2042 SUCKS in Every Single Way Besides With This!

Battlefield 2042 SUCKS in Every Single Way Besides With This!

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Battlefield 2042 absolutely sucks in every single way besides with this one thing and that thing being portal mode. Portal mode is the only thing I believe EA and DICE could use to save Battlefield 2042 but they would need to be smart about it as I really cannot see players sticking with all out warfare for long due to the big player count and the empty, huge, boring maps. Let me know your thoughts about Battlefield 2042 in the comments below, does it suck or is it a good game in your opinion? :D

I have been gaming for years and years now and it's been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, that's the reason behind the Born 2 Game channel name. I am an honest gamer that tells things how they are and if I'm thinking something about a game I will mention it in my videos. Even if I upload a video being negative about a game it doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing the game. I cover all sorts of games ranging from The Division 2 and Ghost Recon Breakpoint to things like Battlefield 2042, Outriders and Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm sure you'll find a game you like that's covered on this channel and if not you can click the link above to check out my 2nd channel where you might like a game or 2 on there πŸ‘

Outro song used in the video:

#battlefield #bf2042 #battlefield2042

Video uploaded by
Born 2 Game | Bill | xBillTheGamer

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