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Owners often forget their most precious commodity, especially when their focus is always on the growth and development of their business. TIME.
Surprisingly, time can be the most defining factor in stalling your business's growth.
Let's leave that in 2021.
One of the biggest things we teach our clients is how to develop a business (and here comes the scary part) that doesn't need you.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be as involved. But any owner should be able to take a step away from their business and have confidence that everything will continue to run smoothly.
Take back your time in 2022.
Follow these steps to cut out unnecessary tasks that are timewasters.
Straight Talk with Lou Mosca (January 13, 2022)
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American Management Services, Inc is committed to providing unparalleled business management and turnaround solutions for small and medium-sized privately-owned businesses. With over 30 years of experience, spanning virtually every industry type, we deliver Results, not Reports.
#TimeManagement #ProductivityHacks #BusinessManagement