An anti-vax priest in Italy has died of COVID after spending a month in the hospital with the illness. The priest had previously pushed the repeatedly-debunked conspiracy that the vaccine was made from the stem cells of aborted fetuses, something that even the Catholic Church in the United States had said was completely false. These stories are still far too common, and they show that misinformation is still as deadly as ever. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
An anti-vax misinformation spewing priest in Italy, father Don Romeo, has died from COVID. He was 51 years old, obviously being a priest he does not have a, a wife and children. However, he was a purveyor of misinformation for his congregation. He went out there and pushed a debunked conspiracy theory to his congregation and of course, in the media, over in Europe, that the COVID vaccines were being made with the aborted embryonic stem cells of fetuses. And that is why you cannot get the vaccine father Romeo said. So father didn't get the vaccine. I'm sure plenty of his, you know, followers didn't get the vaccine. And now he's dead at the age of 51. Had many years ahead of him if he had bought into this misinformation and of course hadn't spread this misinformation to others.
And in fact, that claim that the vaccine was made with aborted fetus stem cells was so outrageous and crazy that even the US conference of Catholic bishops came out and said, this isn't true. So when even the Catholic church in the United States with all the problems they have are coming out and saying, this guy's a whacko, you know, something's amiss here. The standard diatribe, right? I'm not celebrating this guy's death. I'm not happy that he died. I wish he was still alive. I wish everybody that's died of COVID was still alive, especially those that have died of COVID ever since they could have gotten a vaccine. You know, the people who died before that, they didn't have a choice. Vaccines were not available. They were unfortunately the victims of circumstance and we still have some people that are like that, don't get me wrong. But far too many of the anti, unvaxxed people that are dying, they're not victims of circumstance, they're victims of stupidity.
They're victims of arrogance, they're victims of misinformation and that is exactly what this Italian priest was. He bought into the misinformation. He helped spread the misinformation. He didn't protect himself and now he's dead. For the record, the Catholic church is not anti-vaccine. I mean, if anything Pope Francis came out last week and said that misinformation about COVID and the vaccines is a human rights violation. So we know the official Catholic church position on the vaccines. They're not asking for religious exemptions. But you have these outliers who are buying into the misinformation, these extremists within the Catholic church, pushing this misinformation and this is what happens. People die because misinformation is deadly during a global pandemic. It's a very simple concept to grasp, but unfortunately far too many people across the globe still can't seem to wrap their head around that fact.