Showcasing the best way to Farm Throne World Reputation in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen! This will let you get to Throne World Rank 30 to unlock new Abilities and Activities!
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New #Destiny2 video, Showcasing how to increase your throne world rank fast in the Season of the Risen during the Witch Queen DLC (year 5) of Destiny 2! The new Witch Queen DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! But today, we are going over how to farm throne world rank fast! This will let you unlock more upgrades from Fynch including deepsight tier 3 secret chests, heroic missions (to farm rare ascendant crafting material), heroic wellspring events, get throne world weapons, and eventual get the exotic glaives!
#30thAnniversary #WitchQueen
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