In a powerful message, we are privileged to hear from visiting speaker Pastor Sam Dix from Disciple House Church in Warwick. Sam takes us through the importance of guarding our hearts and how we are to preserve, keep and protect it. To the Israelites, the heart sustained life and everything flowed from it. Watch and discover how vital it is, to guard the hearts that Jesus so deeply cares for.
0:00 Introduction
10:57 Start of Sermon
12:49 Main Passage - Proverbs 4v23 (NIV)
15:43 Centre of Our Physical Life
16:20 Centre of Our Thought Life
17:33 Centre of Our Emotional Life
18:29 Centre of Our Choices
28:57 Guard What Comes In
35:44 Remove What’s Crept In
38:34 Watch What’s Coming Out
40:31 Closing thoughts
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We are a growing community-oriented church that bridges the gap between traditional and contemporary styles. Located in Balga, a centrally situated northern suburb of Perth, Western Australia.
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