Summer Elincia Surprises/Disappoints + New Seals 🌞 Tempest Trials: Summer Aside 【Fire Emblem Heroes】

Summer Elincia Surprises/Disappoints + New Seals 🌞 Tempest Trials: Summer Aside 【Fire Emblem Heroes】

Summer Elincia was the chosen one... Meant to keep the Summer Vacation Banner as a perfect banner and in many ways, she does yet... IS couldn't go all the way.

Aside from that the new seals are excellent! All that and more as we stayed up to reset to check this out!

New Heroes:
Summer Dimitri: Sky-Blue Lion
Summer Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden
Summer Claude: Tropical Trouble
Summer Edelgard: Sun Empresses
Summer Elincia: Seaside Queen

#Elincia #Summer #TempestTrials
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β˜…Tempest Trialsβ˜…
TTs are special events in Fire Emblem Heroes. They happen every so often and due to the rewards, I'll usually work pretty hard to get the rewards. If you want to watch more of the grind including past Tempest Trials here's the playlist of my runs!
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NNID: Nimious
Switch ID: 1693-8646-1402
Arknights: Nimious#2785
Azur Lane: Nimious (Server: Avrora)
Azur Lane Guild: The Nimdom - Fleet ID: 67111305
Dragalia Lost: 8981 2651 484
Fate/Grand Order: 659,734,788
Fire Emblem Heroes ID: 2914064606
Langrisser: Nimious (Server: Baldea)
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Fire Emblem Heroes Tempest TrialsTempest Trials Fire Emblem HeroesFE Heroes Tempest Trials

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