Alphabet Lore Epilogue Ending But With Healthbars vs Normal Ending Comparison

Alphabet Lore Epilogue Ending But With Healthbars vs Normal Ending Comparison

Original video by Mike Salcedo
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Healthbars version by 饾櫣饾殲饾殜饾殫饾殦饾殬 饾櫟饾殲饾殠饾殫饾殱饾殠饾殰 饾櫡饾殲饾殯饾殲饾殝饾殠饾殜饾殫 饾熁.饾煻
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Word from him:
If you thought the "Alphabet Lore" story felt unfinished... you were right. When I started these as daily exercises, I planned 28 videos for the 28 days of February (with Y, n, Z, + "Epilogue" being the final four).

I knew this one would take a while, so I uploaded the A-Z(...) Compilation in the meantime, and planned to quietly replace with a completed one before too many people had seen it, but it blew up beyond my wildest expectations.

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