The fight between Russian Defense minister Sergei Shoigu and Chechen leader Ramazan Kadyrov ended in the hospital! Dec. It has long been known that there are tensions between Sergey Shoygu and Ramazan Kadyrov and that there are frictions between these two. Dec.Dec. Shoigu became even more angry when Russian leader Putin restricted the authority that defense minister Shoigu had in his hands. After Putin gave full authority to Russian General Sergey Surovikin, Shoigu's throne began to shake. Ramazan Kadyrov, on the other hand, said that Sergey Shoygu was responsible for the Russian soldiers who Decamped on Ukrainian territory, and the verbal argument between the two turned into a physical argument. Two ambulances called to Kremin in the late afternoon turned all attention to the Kremlin. At first, it was thought that Vladimir Putin was ill, but it was learned that the reason for the arrival of ambulances was a fight between Shoigu and Kadyrov. Dec. At the moment, it can be understood that the nerves of the officials in the Kremlin are quite tense.
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